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【字体: 】【日期:2015/3/12】 【作者/来源:图书馆 】 【阅读: 次】 【关 闭

摘要:通过广州地铁九号线施工5 标工程的清布站~高增站区间隧道管片的选型、拼装的计算研究,比较详尽地介绍了本项目地铁施工中的管片拼装技术及其应用。在隧道设计时,应对隧道管片进行排版,确定整条区间隧道所需管片型号及其数量。根据隧道轴线的走向和盾构机姿态选择拼装管片的型号和拼装点位。并详细论述了管片纠偏、管片注浆控制和管片拼装过程中的注意事项及拼装时对盾尾的保护。Abstract Through the construction of guangzhou metro line no. 9 5 standard engineering qingembattling ~ high increase between the station tunnel lining type selection, assembles thecomputing research, more detailed introduced this project subway construction technology andapplication of the segment assembled. In tunnel lining design, answer to typesetting, determine thetunnel the whole tunnel lining type and the quantity required. According to the tunnel axis and thedirection of the shield segment model assembled attitude choice and assembled points. But alsodiscusses the technical requirements and assembles the lining segment assembles process methodand the points for attention and assembled to shield the protection when the tail.


作者:张树培    班级:08城市轨道交通工程技术班    点击下载

 上一篇对公路路养护管理中心发展的思考  下一篇GPS车辆监控系统在现代公交车管理中的应用分析

广东交通职业技术学院图书馆 版权所有
 通讯地址:广东省广州市天河区天源路789号  馆长信箱